This morning I went out to Solsbury Field to meet the Orbit
Building Supervisor and to inspect the site. The building supervisor turned out
to be a very personable fellow who has been with Orbit for the last 18 years. Apparently
there are about 9 Building Supervisors working for Orbit in Victoria. As you would expect our supervisor looks after the
South East of Melbourne with the majority of his builds being in the Cranbourne
and Clyde. He usually has between 10 and 15 builds taking place at any one
time. We are not given the contact details of the Building Supervisor, however. Orbit believes that the owner should deal with a single person during the build. Namely, the customer service officer. The only problem I can see with this is if you want discuss an on-site issue it might take longer going via the issue. Still, to date the Customer Service Officer has been responsive and pro-active.

There has already been about six site starts in Solsbury Field as
of today. The one pictured above is the most progressed with slab, frame and
roof complete. This is quite an achievement given settlement on the land was
less than a month ago. The site of this build is a located behind the property of our Southern
neighbour. We are hoping that our Building permit will be issued this week.