Sunday, 7 June 2015

That's Not A Project

As Crocodile Dundee might say : “That’s Not a Project. This is a Project”. I’m talking about our little house building project compared to construction/re-development of the Large Hadron Collider. Although it does seem as though both projects operate on similar timescales and are both subject to unforeseen delays. But why am I bringing up the Large Hadron Collider ? Well it’s been in the news of late. Having finally proved the existence of a new particle, the Higgs boson in July 2012, it’s back after almost 2 years offline. And, of course it is bigger and better than before. “Engineers hope to gradually increase the beams’ energy to 13 trillion electronvolts: double what it was during the LHC’s first operating run.

I also watched the documentary “Particle Fever” TV last week and was quite taken with the story of the LHCs first run.

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