Sunday, 5 July 2015

The Fence Mystery

To my un-informed eye this is a mystery. Why erect a fence on one side of Red Brush road across the middle of the development ? What does it achieve ? They seem to have installed a gateway across Lot 30 forcing all all the heavy machinery to take this path. I’m not sure what to think about this. I guess it doesn’t really matter as long as they fill in the depression that has been created at the edge of the crossover.

According to the documentation the development was divided into four stages which were to be delivered in two phases. Stages 1, 2 and 3 were to be titled March/April 2015. Stage 4 titles were set down for late July 2015. Stage 4 was comprised of Lots 8 – 16. These lots are located along the church Rd end of Stanley Road. This appears to be where the civil work is currently being undertaken. Perhaps all four stages will be titled at the same time.


  1. Did you notice the front boundary pegs are placed? We were there yesterday

    1. Hi Thai, Yes I did notice the front boundary pegs had been placed. Hopefully we are on track for titles in mid August and settlement in late August. Best Regards, Alan (
